Sunday, July 4, 2010

My brand of business.

As a young man, indeed a very young man, I have come across so many types and philosophies of business. Some have worked, some have not; some work all the time, some work some of the time; some bring money,others bring fame. The scope of this discussion of what is business amy actually defy precise discussion so what I am attempting to do here is to tell you of my brand of business is.

Why should you listen to me?

As young as I am, I have been a teacher for almost two years, served as a political consultant, run a travel and tour business, run a trading company that dealt in floral and interior design and computers, worked as an associate for a human resource firm, interned for a horde of other companies dealing in various product, served as a salesman for an IT company (selling software and websites), ran a trading comapny that dealt in clothing and shoes and worked in many editorial positions. In all of these endeavours, some were success, some were serious failures and others were just plain catastrophic. Through all if this therefore, I believe I have managed to glean a variety and wealth of experience. Experiences of both success and failure. It is because of these experiences that I think you should pay attention.

What is my brand of business?

My brand of business is not meant for everyone. It is meant for the young, who do not have so much money but want to make it. individuals who have drive, zeal and courage. it is for the creative and imaginative soul who see problems but also see solutions within the problems are are willing to turn those into business ideas. My brand of business is hinged on five main pillars which are:


  2. PLAN




I would be explaining all of this from time to time. For now, there is not much to say. adieu.

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